How do we really make meaning of non-verbal communication?
We all know that we unconsciously read movement, voice and actions in each other, just as we use our body and voice to take action and express ourselves.
But what are we really doing when we use and observe non-verbal communication?
We are trying to make sense of and give meaning to what we see, hear, speak and experience..
There are four key elements or qualities in non-verbal communication that are central to the meaning we make of non-verbal communication, according to Rudolph Laban whose work in the field of movement revolutionised approaches to theatre, choreography and even industry.
He noted we all express these qualities through our body movement, body shaping, voice, actions and expressions, as well as the spoken word. Most of our non-verbal expression and interpretation is unconscious and instinctual unless we choose to really reflect deeply.
The four qualities of non-verbal communication are in bold below, and used in a sentence to make them easier to understand. You might like to observe a colleague at work doing a task, or a public speaker talking on stage, then ask yourself the questions below about their non-verbal communication:
➢ What is the intention?
➢ Where is the attention?
➢ When are the decisions?
➢ How is it progressing and feeling?
All qualities are ever-present in our communication, but in any moment, one or two of these qualities are usually more dominant than the others. Sometimes, we engage three of these qualities at once resulting in a powerful non-verbal expression, for example: a jump and shout of excitement; or a squat with arms over our head, as we duck for cover.
Have a look at the slideshow attached. I have used four images that highlight a dominant quality. Do the images make sense to you?
Non-Verbal-Communication-Elements-of-Meaning_1We all unconsciously express meaning all the time, and we interpret what we see in others’ non-verbal communication in our own unique way. There are cultural, interpersonal and personal overlays to our non-verbal communication which influence both our own self-expression and the meaning we place on what see in others’ non-verbal expressions.
If you would like to learn more about your own non-verbal communication click on the link below to send me a message